Purchasing an own tiny house means creating individual freedom and personal quality of life at an outdoor place of your choice. Your tiny house in green nature is a chance to avoid redundant things without missing comfortable ambience.
Our tiny houses are manufactured by use of high-quality solid wood and furnished with premium interior. They are fully fitted with water and power supply and disposal in kitchen, bathroom and living room, provide TV and heating system. Doors and windows are tailor-made triple glazing components, terrace is made of solid wood. A tailor-made chassis allows optimal use of space, transport on public roads and thus guarantees best mobility of your tiny house.
We are offering fully equiped tiny houses for immediate occupation at fixed prices - including on-site installation service on request. You want to realize own ideas on how to design your tiny housse? Please ask for an entirely individualized tiny house according to your demands! All pictures you can see at green-caravaning.com are close to reality animations giving you impressions and ideas of how to use your personal tiny house.
Tiny houses for permanent living. Made of premium materials, with first-class interior, offering full supply and disposal systems. Individual interior concepts can be realized!
For an independend life at a place you want to be free - from loads of things without lack of ambience.
You want to chose the place you are working and spend your time in a first-class ambience allowing your creative energy developing at best?
Our tiny houses for work are offering both equipment and comfort of an ideal outdoor workplace with all necessary communication equipment - ready for being individualized according to your purposes.
You already have found an outdoor place, where you either recover, offer e.g. yoga or painting courses or where your book club meets? Or would you prefer having a tiny house with sauna or indoor playground for your children?
Your new tiny house can offer all what you need and will be equipped according to your demands - preferably offering living or studio ambience.