Information according to § 5 TMG:
Di.i.Ba. GmbH
Zellerhornstrasse 70
D - 83229 Aschau im Chiemgau
Mobile Phone: +49 - 151 - 11257250
Represented by:
Veronika Pfeiffer, General Manager
Registered Office:
Aschau im Chiemgau / registered at HR Traunstein / HRB 26266
VAT ID according to §27 a Value Added Tax Act:
DE 315597715
Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Veronika Pfeiffer
Zellerhornstrasse 70
D - 83229 Aschau im Chiemgau
Online Mediation of the European Commission:
We are neither obliged nor ready to take part in dispute resolution at a consumer arbitration board.
Responsibility for content
As a service provider we are, according to § 7 Abs.1 TMG, responsible for own content of this website due to common legislation. According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG we are not obliged monitor transmitted foreign information or to investigate circumstances, which might indicate illegal activities.
Obligations to delete or block use of information according to common legislation remains untouched. A possible liability in this respect is only possible from the time we have been informed about a specific infringement. After we have learned about infringements, we immediately will delete the relevant content.
Responsibility for links
Our website also includes links to external websites owned by third parties. We don´t have access to or bearing on that content. Therefore we don´t take over any responsibiliy for third party content. Only the provider or operator of linked websites is responsible content of his website. We have checked linked websites for possible infringements at the time we have established our links and didn´t recognize illegal content at that time.
A permanent control of linked websites without any specific clue is unreasonable. We will delete doubtful links after we have learned about infringements.
Content generated by the operators of this website are subject to the German Copyright Act. Any duplication, processing or any kind of utilization beyond the copyright are subject to prior agreement by the authors or creator. Downloads or copies of this website content only are permitted for private, uncommercial use.
Copyright of third parties has been observed as far as content of this website has not been generated by the operators themselves. As well, content owned by third parties has been marked clearly. If you still see any infringement of copyrights, please inform us. We will delete such content after we have been informed.
Website Implementation:
Advertising Agency Rosenheim
Website Development & Online-Marketing